Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
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Rose Quartz

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currently in stock
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Please note, our
Rose Quartz
are sold in quantities of
or more.

Rose Quarts is the stone of unconditional love and is meant to boost feelings of compassion, peace and calm. Children will love handling these cool stones, pressing them into their play dough or using them in their sensory rice play.

what's included
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A 4cm glass vial of tumbled rose quartz pieces

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Warning: this kit contains sharp components and small parts that may be a choking hazard.

This kit isn’t suitable for children under 36 months.

Homemade sensory dough will last for 3-6 months if stored in a cool place in the airtight tin provided and handled regularly.

All parts of this kit are designed to be played with, not eaten. Although the sensory dough may look and smell yummy, it is not meant for consumption. The sensory dough is made with wheat flour, table salt, cream of tartar, glycerine, coconut oil, water, food colouring and food extract. We can’t guarantee that there are not any traces of nuts or other allergens in our products.

We advise supervising children during their play.

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This is a great tool set to use with the sensory dough. My little boy loved rolling and making marks in the dough with the tools.


Great quality and brilliant packaging and communication x


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You can add different recipients to different items as you add them to your basket. Add one name and message per item that you add, then enter their delivery info at the checkout. If you're sending more than one item to the same person, just use the same name each time you add to cart and we'll do the rest...with magic!

Our vouchers are single use and unfortunately don't currently allow for remaining balances.

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